2021 Week 46

🍐 More superb pairing sessions this week
🦥 Still making slow progress on the feature I'm working on but, I've reached the point where I can see how I should have done it
🗑 inadvertently wasted someone's time this week. I've moved on from knowing nothing to "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing"
🎓 always be a beginner mindset is great but, I'd forgotten how hard new language, new framework, and a new system can be
⏰ I need to be more purposeful about learning and carefulness
❓ each time I asked for help, things got a tonne easier. I should be old enough to know that by now! I need to be better at spotting when I should put effort and when I should raise the flag
📈 That all might seem negative, but making stuff is 💯
✅ had fun